Monday, April 10, 2023

Still Kickin isn't

It was sad to see this lovely organization let it go. Self care, shelf lives. Still Kickin financials.

Some people are less vampiric and care about otters.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Most Conspiracy Theories Are Wrong

Most scientific theories are wrong, in part, because the universe is complex. Theories that have, through the Scientific Method, been demonstrated convincing, over an extended period of time, may be referred to as Laws. Generally, Laws of Physics do not change. They may, however, be scoped to appropriate values of time, space, and mass, as Newton's Laws were, relativistic ally.

Sone examples of conspiracy theories that have, to my satisfaction, been proven substantially true, include:

1. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, for the purpose of genocide. Yes, people suspected at the time that the Katyn Massacre was committed by the Soviets, not the Nazis. This lie was accepted, at the time, in the interest of East/West world peace. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume II - Loc

2. British Neo-Nazi sympathizer David Irving intentionally worked with others to falsify history and deny the previous for the purpose of promoting hatred. This has been proven at the highest Courts.

2. In Soviet Russia, some Communist infiltration of the USA was planned and carried out, though obviously McCarthyism did more harm than good.

3. Mr Trump, Mr Dunham, and many others affiliated with them, motivated by hatred and greed, illegally attacked the Open Society Foundation, founded by George Soros, survivor of Nazi and Communist totalitarian influence over his native Hungary. George Soros is a loyal Citizen of the United States of America.

4. The Naqba, abuse of Palestinians by Israelis, also occurred, and should not have occurred, in the context of a war for independence.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

That's what she said - "War exposes people to things that will never go away"

Happy π (pi) day 1996 to those who Cellebrite #DFIR (mobile device digital forensics) [sic].

On that date, Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE) was in the Kremlin Palace, Moscow, on his Mercury Falling Tour. This was four years, 3 months, 20 days after the fall of the Soviet Union.

A distant acquaintance enlisted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces today. Some people, you never forget. 

May it ever be so.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Courage Yet Unseen

There are thousands of white southerners of goodwill whose voices are yet unheard, whose course is yet unclear and whose courageous acts are yet unseen.

MLK Jr, Easter Sunday, 1958. 

The primary civic festival in City of Northfield, Rice County, Minnesota is The Defeat of Jesse James Days, that one time when ordinary citizens repelled cowardly Confederate Traitorous brigands who were continuing to rob Northern banks against the direct orders of their commander, Robert E. Lee.

Brief Vlog about vandalism, stolen mail, police support for insurgent Assistant Rice County Attorney, attempted murder, GOP hopeful for Governor of MN, etc.

Link to podcast here. This is all very entertaining to think about but any conclusions you might be inclined to jump to are probably mostly untrue. Most importantly, no, my ex is in no way involved in any of this. Just a horrible set of coincidences during a global pandemic and (probably soon to be canceled) World War III starting in Ukraine. In other words, happy last day of the second year of #MinnesotanICE #Pandemic #Parenting. In other words, #GetOut.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

FLAME🕯ON🔥Saint Crispin’s Day 2021 is in October

 “Per the final video, with a clip from MEAN GIRLS starring Tina Fey (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, 2016) and Lindsay Lohan, I have an arithmetic average number of long-estranged, far-right biological family members, barred by stipulated Court Orders from having contact with me or my children, who just have a lot of feelings about me, but have not actually talked to me in THREE DECADES. ACCORDING TO HIS OWN SWORN TESTIMONY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, MY INSANE OLDER BROTHER LOST A JOB because he is apparently paranoid psychotic and/or psychopathic and told an employer, baselessly, that he was afraid that I would out him to his employer as the PARANOID PSYCHOTIC, RACIALLY CHARGED, AT LEAST QANON-ADJACENT CONSPIRACY THEORIST FREAK SHOW BIG BROTHER WANNABE that he apparently has become. For this reason, because a Rice County Judge said that my brother’s fears about being fired from his job because he was paranoid psychotic and arguably a College Humor-certifiable ”lite” racist were proven correct, I am not allowed to speak to my brother until he is 102 years old. If I do say anything defamatory about him, I can go to jail for 90 days. Seriously, that happened, in Rice County District Court. This post is not defamatory because it is 100% true.

O7:20 (twenty minutes after O9:20 in Labrador City, NL🍁🇨🇦) and the gnus is next. Prepare to be bored, Earnest, importunately.

I guess we’re didgeridooing this. May God have mercy on our soles. Sew furlong, and Thanks for all the phish.

We take no survivors. Also, to the best of our ability, no one is going to be hurt. Not even the criminal police.

Cloaking device is disengaged.

Because Rice County Sheriff Troy Dunn literally insists, by unlawfully refusing to turn over public records where I am the subject, per Minnesota Statute 13, I guess it is time to tackle this problem professionally, through the Federal Government. Be fruitful and multiply and halve an ice First Day of School, Rice County.

OK, so if Trump’s military coup succeeds, I guess I will be among the first against the wall. I am not terribly concerned about that happening right now. If it does happen, what the hell, Happy Saint Crispins day,” said Henry, ✌🏻🖕🖖🏽🤞pinkie🤬⚜️

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Compellent SAN scripting and Xen VM provisioning

Here are the things referenced in my talk at the Compellent user conference.

To get the Compellent Command-Line Utility (CompCU.jar), log on to; click the Knowledge Center tab; click Downloads/Software. As of this writing, what you want is called "Command Utility 4.1 Software."